Boarding Information
Supervised Study
Students have supervised study in the boarding residences in their rooms in the evening. Teaching staff are employed to assist with study. There is also a Study Centre operating after school Monday to Friday in the Marcellin Library for students to take advantage of.
Afternoon Activities
After school the students have recreational time until 5.45 pm when they prepare to go to tea. During this time there are organized activities and the college sporting and recreational facilities are available for use.
Recreational Activities and Sports Available
Netball, Basketball, Rugby League, Rugby Union, Touch Football, Cricket, Hockey, Little Athletics, Squash, Karate, Swimming Club are a few of the sports available to the boarders. There are local dance studios and music lessons through the Conservatorium of Music and a STEM group.
Boarders have access to town one afternoon each week. There are other opportunities to visit town over the weekend with their supervisors.
We have a Health Centre coordinated by a Registered Nurse and assisted by an Enrolled Nurse Monday to Friday. They are responsible for making all medical appointments. The College transports students to and from local appointments.
Student attending activities away from the College in the local community are transported to and picked up from these activities. Where large numbers are involved in activities off the property on weekends a supervisor drives the bus and is with the students the whole time Any time a student leaves the College for an activity or excursion packed meals or money is provided.
Exeat Weekend and Term Holiday Travel
Where possible we use the Boarders Trainlink Boarders Travel services for Exeat and term travel. Students are transported to and from the nearest rail centre to their hometown by the free governments service. For those parents who are required to provide their own transport there is a Private Vehicle Conveyance subsidy available.