House System
In 1943 four houses (Basil, Denis, Loyola and Xavier) were established at the Johnson Street school, in Forbes, prior to the College’s move to Red Bend. Br Plunkett Mannes named the Houses after two popular missionary Saints who were referred to in prayers at the time and two prominent Marist Brothers. In 2014 another two houses (Chisholm and McAuley) were introduced. The Houses are:
The House System connects all aspects of life in the College. Each student is allocated to a particular house and joins a Pastoral Care group. This group is a mix of students from years 7 through to year 12 with a teacher allocated who stays with the group for their time at the College. One of the main aims of the Pastoral care groups is to allow the students to mix and mentor each other.
The House System culminates at the Prizegiving Ceremony with the House Cup awarded to the house who achieves the highest honours in the Swimming and Athletics carnivals and the Cross Country. The Spirit Cup is also presented to the House who achieves the highest honours in participation of co-curricular events, Outreach opportunities and Merit awards.